Saturday, April 05, 2008

Yeah. I told.

On my way the here I told "Chris" everything about muscle man. Yeah I tattled. He needed to know about his trifling friend. Chris said I had to understand that he was probably just attracted to me...(so we make up excuses for trifling people now...?) It's not even about attraction, people like them find pleasure it taking other people's joy. That's all. If he didn't know my relationship with him I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be that interested.

I don't associate with him much anymore. He still sends texts but my replies are not open ended. So go on head boy. Leave this gal alone.


Desy said...

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when chris had a convo with muscle man after you

MsRoxy said...

Lol...I'd be buzzing like crazy if I was that fly. Muscle man seems like the type to make up stories.