Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Santa Clause is not only black, but he works at McDonald's

Couple weekends ago I visited home ,my second home down south, and after a weekend of rain I gave up on going to the beach and decided we should just go to a movie. None of us saw Pirates of the Carribean so it was a deal, Pirates of the Carribean it was. My younger cousins wanted to argue with me about what theatre to go to, I said Muvico, they said Sawgrass. Sawgrass for what? I'm not driving all the way across the country (30minutes) to Sawgrass. "But Muvico is soo, tired. Tired, tired, tired." they said. "Well, I'm tired, so I'm not driving to Sawgrass. Come on, Muvico's cool, it has to nice Pyramid theme going on, you know...thumbs up. Alright, look. I'm not driving to Sawgrass so you guys can see your little boyfriends." They wanted to argue with me some more. Finally I pointed to my gas tank "You see how much gas I have?, ok, Muvico it is." "Can't argue with that." So...we're hungry. Nooo, we're famished. Didn't eat anything all day, I had just come from the Salon, and hadn't eaten since breakfast in the morning. It was like....10ish. We found a good parking space so I didn't want to leave it. We decided we could just walk to whatever nearby food place. My older cuz wants to go to Cold Stone's. Damn good ice cream, but I didn't want ice cream, I wanted some solid food. McDonald's. It definetly took longer than it should have at Cold Stone's the rest of us wanted McDonald's.

We're walking there it's like 10:20, movie starts, 10:40. We get there, I'm soo hungry and there's a line. Not a long one, but still, a line. The manager at the time was this middle ages man with permed hair in a ponytail. He was definetly older but seemed like he didn't mind working at McDonald's in his mid life. And what was funny was that...he had a perm..but it didn't seem wierd at all. He seemed genuinely happy about life in general , and I came to the conclusion that that was because this man must have had a rough past life, probably in and out of jail, drug problem, his fare share of the ladies, a son he's probably dissappointed. And now he's cleaned up his life, McDonald's hired him even though he was a felon, and for the first time...he finally owns his own home..::tear::. I came to that conclusion because...usually when someone's older and working in fast food...you can tell how much they HATE THEIR LIFE, but no...this guy was alright.

10:20ish my cousin's finally order. 2 McChicken's, 2 drinks, 2 Apple Pies, a fudge sundae, fries.. $8ish, holla. I order a bacon double cheesburger and a drink. We have to keep it simple because I plan on bringing it to the theatre with me. My cousins get their food a little after they ordered andI'm still waiting for my bacon double cheeseburger. I go to the table where they're eating, steal some food from them look over at the counter....my burger's still not there. I look in my cousin's bag, I see two cheeseburger's that they haven't touched. I pick up the burger's all of a sudden four eyes are on me, I look at them shrug my shoulders, put it back in the bag. I go back to the counter my burger still isn't there. I don't want to complain because I don't want to sound rude, but it's just ONE DAMN BURGER HURRY UP THE MOVIE HAS STARTED. I waite at the counter..they keep taking orders...my burger is still not there. I go back to my cousins, they're still grubbing, I look in their bag, still the two cheeseburgers they haven't touched. I pick one up, contemplate taking a bite, they'll get over it, once again...Four eyes on me, I put it back down. Look over at the counter. Burger's STILL not there. Finally I go to the counter, he finally hands me my burger. "Sorry for the waite." "It's okay" I say. When has someone ever said "It's okay" and it really was okay??? I go to the table where my cousin's are and tell them pack up, the movie's started, let's go. From the Corner of my eye...I can see the manager staring at us. I stuff my burger in my purse and tell them to stick food wherever they can we need to leave now. Once they have everything I look in the bag on the table....the two cheeseburgers are still there.
"Aren't you taking these?" I say. Both my cousins look at me.
"I thought they were for you." my cuz says.
"No, I just ordered a bouble bacon cheeseburger."
"Oh I thought you ordered with us."
"No, I that's why I was waiting at the counter...they took too forever with my burger"
"Ohh, I was wondering why you were waiting at the counter, I thought these were for you."
Now had we not been so hungry and in a hurry that's probably how the conversation went. But it really went something like this.
"Aren't you taking these"
"I thought they were for you."
and then we snatched those burgers out of the bag and rushed out because the McPolice probably would have came and got us. Because the restaurant probably wasn't closing soon anyway and they probably weren't going to end up throwing those burgers away anyway. From the corner of my eye I swear I could see the manager with a smirk on his face.
Later while watching the movie my cousin yells "Oh!" like a light bulb went on in her head. Later on she tells me it was because from the moment we got there he was looking at us and when we discovered the burgers were free he smiled.

Thanks Santa. In his eyes, he wasn't contributing high cholesterol and blood pressure, but merely doing a good deed in the middle of July. I'll pay it forward.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Forever 21 bags

I shop at Forever 21 every now and then, on every bag there's John 3:16 on the bottom. I always see it but one day, on a Sunday in particular I decided I would look it up in the bible and see what it says...because to me it was like...why would a clothing store have a bible verse on the bag? Who owns this franchise? Not even going to lie I'm almost positive the clothes are made in a Chinese sweatshop and that's why the clothes are so cheap(It's almost unavoidable to purchase anything in this country that was not put together by the hands of an underpaid Asian/[Or some other country child]...) but the verse...the verse makes me feel maybe a 1/3 less guilty for spending my money there...maybe it's a trap for people like me...anyways.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not parish but might have eternal life"
John 3:16
The basic summary of the new testamet.
So when I'm shopping for accessories and tiny little tube tops I'm reminded that yes, Jesus died for my sins and whoever owns this place agrees. So strange...that connection.

Wrote this on Sunday.

I can't describe so I won't.
Sitting back wondering why and how
And your why and how became my now
I never understood but now I know why.
I under[stand] because of a fraction of your strength
is my strength
and your lengths is my lifetime
and...I can't describe so I won't.
But I will just say...
Thank-you, Jesus.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dear Mom and Dad

I hate rhyming poems. They're the worst I like abstract lines rich with metaphors but lately for some reason that's all I could come up with. Whatever works. I wrote this just now, not sure what it means but it's coming from a very familiar place, if anything it explains all of me.

Letter to Mom and Dad (I have never called either of my parents "Mom" or "Dad" in my life Mommy and Daddy of course.)

"Dear Mom and Dad,
I know you've dealt with a lot in that past
And for those moments you feel that life owes you back
I guess that somebody who owes is me

but now the burden's getting a little heavy

I'm a little weak
My savior gave me strength to carry this load

But it's kinda hard for me to carry this alone

(this is where I stop rhyming)
To the point where I can hardly breathe....

One day I'll just let it all go, all this will be forgotten and then...
nobody will have to worry. So the debt ends with me.

your daughter and I use love because I really mean it."

Sometimes crazy people talk to me about strange things and I listen because sometimes I like things not considered the "norm" and this guy is telling me a story and he says in the midst of it that sometimes it helps to just look up at the SKY^. And I'm like...how in the world did I get in a conversation with this guy and how did it lead to this but I liked where the subject was going because I never thought of doing that. I mean it's there right above us but we're so busy looking down or ahead but what about up? Up's a direction to. It's been really cloudy lately but in between clouds there's this beautiful blue....and that guy's right. It does help.