Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Caramel Delite Season

I've packed on a few pounds, ok I know that. I went back home this weekend and I didn't think it was a big deal...but the last thing my mother says to me is I need to stop drinking so much Boost and to stop constantly eating food with my cousin. And I was kind of like damn, I put on that much weight and then I thought about it....I've been Skinny Minny, Slim, Olive Oil, all my life God forbid I comfortably fit in a size 5. I mean God forbid I look like a normal person for the first time in my life and not this Lanky thing with boney arms flaling everywhere.....I did sit down and eat a box of caramel delites (formely known as Somoans....but now they want to be all PC on us. You think Jamaicans would care if they had cookies named after them? We woulda love fi it we Jamaica biscuit) 70 calories per cookie...70x15...1050 calories...in one sitting but you know what I don't do that often and those cookies only come around once a year and I have this other box sitting here feeling so neglected....I'm thinking of just giving it away to someone but I'm so selfish with these lovely caramel delights..but anyways that just effed up my day kinda....and I know I haven't been eating the healthiest foods lately but it just kinda sucked hearing that, so whatever. That outfit this little Delite is wearing is right on, your going to have to call one of them if you keep eating these things.


Desy said...

someone understands your plight.. go here and read the March 2nd post

MsRoxy said...

Lol, now I don't feel alone.