Monday, May 15, 2006

Sometimes I like to steal.

I hate when I'm trying to download a song and then I keep getting the screwed up version that's supposed to keep people from downloading. I mean...yeah it's illegal but that is so annoying.

I was driving home from my excuse for a job and I heard a familiar voice on the radio singing a song that...I liked. Turns out the singer went to my high-school. I came home and downloaded it. I wish him much success, I really do...even though I'm downloading his....

Initially I started blogging to get away from other internet sites that I was rediculously addicted to, then that didn't work but now...I'm going to lay low for a little while longer. Focus on the relationships that aren't dependent on internet sites. So I'm back in solitude on my little island...

Went to return a book that I thought might be overdue. When I found out it wasn't the guy who checked the status for me (went to my high-school) was dissappointed. Lol, what a jerk.

Vultures are so wierd and creepy. There's a lake in my back yard. And whenever I so much as peek out the blinds to see them dining on whatever decaying feast they come by one of them look towards the blinds. Always thinks it's just me...they can't know I'm looking at them I must be paranoid. But no, I looked out there today and as soon as I peaked through the blinds the scary thing walks over, and closer, till he's a few feet away from my sliding glass door and he does this neck thing where it's head get's closer and his body stays put...and I'm just like..."what you looking at" and it's just like "why don't you want to come outside you scared?" and I'm like..."yeah, you might eat me" but can't be. they only like things already dead. creepy birds.


Desy said...

I know what you mean... but for whatever reason, most of the time my downloads are ok.. Could be the speed of my internet... I get to download a whole hell of alot much quicker and delete what I don't like

..ummm... why are you spending your time looking out at vultures... curiousity biting atcha a little bit... that I get.. but with vultures, or are you looking out at the sunset or something and vultures just happen to be back there... knowing you... you're probably looking out there for the vultures... hilarious

Lady B said...

girl that is just the world of downloading. I have had plenty of songs that I have had to down load several time. as far as the solitude it may not be a choice that you wanted to make but it might be the one that life has made for you. I will dedicate my next blog to you girlie.

In the meantime though. you might want to look at something other than a vulture...they seem kind of distrubing. much love ms Roxy.