Tuesday, October 17, 2006

F*ck with Me

F*ck with Me. That must be written on my forhead in ink that only certain people can see. Every once in a while I'll come across somebody who has no idea who I am but they just start messing with me. And I'll sometimes question people around me and they'll say something like "Oh really? Well that never happens to me." I dunno. I'm coming back home from Atlanta and the security line is slooow and long. All you see is hundreds of people in these long long lines and I'm thinking, there's no way any plane can be leaving on time so I get in the line and we're going snail pace and when I finally make it to the point where I take off my clothes and jacket and put it through the x-ray machine thingy I go through and the metal detector goes off because of my earrings and it's lilke 6:48 and my flight leaves at 7, so I'm kind of getting impatient so I go through without the earrings and everything is fine. But then the guy's like he needs to see my ID. I show him my id. But then this other guy's like let me see your ID again. And I'm thinking oh shit something must be wrong maybe it's expired I've never really paid attention to the expiration date but then the other guy's like....I just wanted to see your picture to make my heart beat. And I was really pissed but really really flattered at the same time. I had to run to Gate B 32. I made it four minutes before it took off.